Buying Guides

How to Choose the Best Fridge | Refrigerator Buying Guide

young suburban couple shopping for a new refrigerator
Written by Flexshopper

If you’re in the market for the best quality yet affordable refrigerator, you clicked the right post. With tons of styles, prices, and options available in stores, getting a new refrigerator can be overwhelming and intimidating. Since a refrigerator with an eye-catching design doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best option for everyone, we’ve prepared this comprehensive refrigerator buying guide to help you make a more informed decision during your next purchase. So let’s dive right in!

Which Refrigerator Size Is Right for You?

couple examining refrigerator in an appliance store

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right refrigerator size for you, but the most obvious one is your kitchen capacity. If you have an overly spacious kitchen, you can go for the larger types like the side-by-side or four-door refrigerators. However, if you have limited kitchen space, the smaller sizes will serve you better. Below are a few more factors that may influence the right refrigerator size for you.

Existing Cabinetry

Are you looking to replace your existing refrigerator? If so, then the kitchen cabinetry layout will determine the size of the fridge you’ll need to get. So unless you plan to reconfigure the entire cabinet design to accommodate the upcoming accessory, you’ll need to take the existing refrigerator’s measurements (height & width) and go shopping for the one that’s a few inches smaller all around. However, the depth is more or less a non-issue; you can choose a shallow model that aligns with the kitchen cabinetry or goes for a protruding one with more storage space.

New Kitchen

If you’re planning to move to a new open-floor house or build a home, you may need to prioritize the refrigerator-size before anything else in the kitchen. Depending on your family size, you can design the kitchen, creating enough space for the refrigerator. For instance, if you’re a big household, a giant-sized refrigerator may serve you well. But if it’s just the two of you, a 16-20 cubic-foot fridge is perfect.

Freezer Capacity

The freezer’s capacity may be influential depending on personal preferences. That is, if you like stocking up food items enough for a few days or weeks, you can go for a model with a larger-sized freezer. But if you have a separate freezer that stores all your frozen foods, you can choose a small-sized freezer to leave room for more fridge space.

Note: Make sure to take the doorways’ measurements to confirm that the refrigerator you’re about to acquire can fit through. You also want to spare an extra space where you intend to install the fridge such that you can comfortably swing the doors wide open. Finally, leave an additional 1-inch around the refrigerator’s back and sides to allow for adequate aeration.

Different Refrigerator Styles to Choose From

There are four popular refrigerator types that you can choose from to match your style preference. Here’s an in-depth review of their characteristics, pros, and cons:

Top-Freezer Refrigerators

Black stainless steel Samsung refrigerator

As the name alludes, top freezer refrigerators are those with the freezer at the top of the unit, while the main compartment is at the bottom. The freezer takes up about a third of the unit capacity, whereas the rest of the compartment is approximately two-thirds large. Plus, top freezers usually come with wide shelves and are exquisitely compact.

  • They’re the most efficient in terms of energy usage
  • They offer more space for refrigerated items
  • Top freezers are overly affordable
  • Reaching items at the lower compartment can be a hassle
  • They require careful handling to avoid breakdowns
Bottom Freezer Refrigerators

Stainless steel LG bottom-freezer refrigerator

Bottom freezer refrigerators‘ designs are the exact opposite of their top-freezer counterparts. The main (two-thirds) compartment is usually placed on the top, whereas the freezer lies on the bottom. If you’d rather have the main compartment at eye level and its items within effortless reach, this is the refrigerator for you.

  • Refrigerated items are hassle-free to reach
  • They’re energy-efficient
  • Suitable for storing large items, e.g., pizza and turkey
  • People with back problems may find it difficult to store or remove items from the freezer
  • The initial cost tends to be a bit pricey, especially when paying upfront
Side-By-Side Refrigerators

Stainless steel Whirlpool monochromatic stainless steel side-by-side refrigerator

The side-by-side refrigerator is designed to feature the freezer and the main compartment next to each other. These refrigerators feature a pair of tall doors and have upper shelves on each side at eye level. Essentially, this type is suitable for large families; it offers expansive storage space for more items.

  • Easy to retrieve items
  • Larger storage capacity
  • Doors need less space to open
  • They need an ample space
  • You still need to stoop to remove or store items at the bottom
French Door Refrigerators

Stainless steel Samsung french-door refrigerator

French door refrigerators sort of combine all the types discussed above; they have the main compartment on top, followed by a wide-bottomed freezer, while the doors are side-by-side. Although they’re a bit narrower than side-by-side refrigerators, their shelves are broader and more compact.

  • Adequate storage capacity
  • Come with awesome features like water and ice dispensers
  • Both freezer and fridge are wide enough to accommodate large items
  • They require a lot of space
  • You may need to dig deeper into your pockets to afford

Refrigerator Features to Consider

young woman grabbing veggies out of her refrigerator at home
Besides the refrigerator size and capacity, there are a few more factors that you must consider before making a purchase decision. These include:

Cleaning and Maintenance

Settle for a unit that is effortless to clean and maintain as it plays an influential role in its durability. But how do you tell that the refrigerator under consideration passes this test? For starters, the surfaces must not contain any awkward corners or dirt-trapping areas. Also, check if the shelves and the crisper drawers are easy to remove and reinstall after cleaning.


Whereas the larger-capacity fridges usually consume more energy than the smaller ones, you still want to check the energy star ratings to settle for the most efficient one. The star rating displays the fridge’s performance given its size. So you can calculate how much you’ll be spending to run the refrigerator by multiplying the (number of) stars with your present energy rate per Kilowatt hour.

Temperature Controls

The best refrigerator should come with two temperature controls; one for the freezer and the other for the fresh food compartment. Some units have a single control for both the upper and lower compartments, whereas some have independent controls. So it all boils down to personal preference.


As a rule of thumb, the shelves must be effortless to remove and reinstall during cleaning or adjustment. And another thing, the best shelves must be well-molded to prevent liquid spillages from spreading to the rest of the fridge. Plus, they should comfortably hold wine or soft drink bottles.


Go for a unit with energy-efficient LED lighting mounted over bins and in corners. This makes it easier to find whatever you may be looking for at any time.

FlexShopper Is Your Go-To Lease-to-Own1 Refrigerator Store

Are you looking for a more flexible and cost-effective means to own your dream fridge? Check us out! FlexShopper has easy weekly payments to suit any budget, and with thousands of products to pick from, we’re sure to have the perfect refrigerator to fit your needs. Contact us today!

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1 Comment

  • I appreciate that you mentioned how it’s necessary to consider the freezer capacity when choosing what refrigerator to buy since there are people who like stocking up on food items for weeks-worth. My husband likes to cook, so we buy a lot when we do grocery shopping, especially frozen items. We’ll have to look into where we can find an appliance store that offers a refrigerator with a large-sized freezer for a good price.

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